Best Six Pack Abs ExercisesIf you’re looking to get abs and develop a lean, sexy, ripped stomach, you need to follow the best six pack abs exercises.

The problem is, most people do the same old abdominal workout routines and they just don’t work! Not for getting six pack abs, anyway.

First, if you want ripped abs, you need to make sure your diet is in order. Nutrition plays a very important role when it comes to that sexy six pack.

If you’re not at a sufficiently low level of body fat all over your body, no one will see your sexy, ripped abs, no matter how developed they are, because they’ll be hidden by a layer of ugly body fat.

Once your body fat is low enough, then the best six pack abs exercises will come into play. If your abs aren’t developed, you’ll have a flat stomach but your abs won’t pop out.

What ab exercises do most people? Crunches. Lots and lots of crunches. Maybe through in some sit ups, reverse crunches and leg raises. That’s about it.

The extra sad thing is most people do endless numbers of crunches, not just to develop the abs, but thinking all those crunches will magically make the stomach fat go away so everyone can see those abs.

Let me tell you, crunches are useless as a fat burning exercise!

So what are the best six pack abs exercises? For starters, planks are very important when it comes to abdominal development.

You have your regular plank on the elbows, push up plank (hold the top position of a push up) and side planks.

There are also a few great variations. For example, you can do the push up plank and then alternating hip touches.

In other words, pull one hand away but remain still in the top push up position on only one hand.

Use the other hand to touch the opposite hand. Return that hand back to push up position and then do the same thing with the opposite hand.

When you can hold a normal plank for two minutes, you are on your way.

Remember mountain climbers from physical education class? When done slowly, these are another great ab exercise. You can also do cross body mountain climbers where you raise each leg and bring the knee to the opposite elbow.

Then there is the Ab Wheel Rollout. From either a standing position or on your knees, grab an Ab Wheel and roll it out away from your body to full extension (or as far as you can currently go) and use your abs to roll back to the starting position.

If you don’t have an Ab Wheel or just want another variation you can do hand walkouts. It’s the same exercise but instead of using the Ab Wheel you just “walk” on your hands and back.

Finally, a fantastic ab exercise you never see except in those Strongman Competitions is the rack walk. Grab a couple of heavy dumbbells and walk around. You need to keep your entire body tight, including your abs.

A more advanced way to do it that will really smoke that abs is to hold only one heavy dumbbell. When you walk, you still have to stay straight, don’t lean toward the dumbbell side. Then switch sides.

You can also do the same rack walk in a more intense fashion by using a dumbbell in each hand but use different weights. You could hold a 30 pound dumbbell in one hand and a 60 pound dumbbell in the other.

These are some of the best six pack abs exercises you can do. Try adding these to your workout routine, get your diet in place and watch your abs start to pop out.

For serious people who want to maximize their results and take them to the next level a complete step-by-step system will be recommended. Take a look at our review on the truth about six pack abs by Mike Geary if you are looking for such a program.

Take care and all the best!
