six pack abs dietThe goal of the six-pack abs diet is to reach nice abs in six weeks. As the name suggests, you’re going to reach that goal by training your abs. By training your abs in the right way you can quickly get a six pack, and the right combination of food and training will ensure success.

Getting a tight belly and a six-pack seems like a lot of effort, especially if you’re suffering from a lot of abdominal fat.

However the diet is focused on getting rid of that fat around your stomach area. That is also the reason why you need to religiously train your abs during the diet. Apart from that, you will be eating a lot of protein, since protein builds muscles and burns fat.

During the diet you will drink two shakes, eat a healthy breakfast, a lunch rich in protein, and a healthy dinner. When it comes to the shakes you have plenty of options. These shakes are usually called power shakes and consist of dairy, fruits, protein powder and whatever else you choose to put in. For the dairy part of the shake you can choose from milk or yogurt. Fruits could be blueberries, bananas or strawberries.

Protein powder is simply a powder that is used to get in more proteins and can be bought at specialty stores in either big backs or a big container. The powder is available in different flavors, such as strawberry, banana, chocolate or vanilla.

For example, a tasty shake with banana could be combined with organic peanut butter. Why choose organic peanut butter? Simply because this peanut butter does not contain any sugar, as we want to avoid sugar as much as possible. You can put all the ingredients in a blender with a few ice cubes to make the shake nice and frothy. You can also make two portions at a time. One shake will be used during breakfast and the other shake will be used one hour before sleeping.

Apart from the shake during breakfast, you will also need other foods for a successful six pack abs diet. A recommended choice for breakfast would be muesli. The muesli can be combined with skimmed yogurts or milk. You can also have a cup coffee or green tea. Do not use actual sugar, as it is fattening. You could use sweetener if you wish.

A typical lunch of the diet consists of two sandwiches with an omelet of four eggs. For three of these eggs you should only use the egg whites, which means that you’re only eating one egg yolk. Add to that some tomato and you have a great lunch. An example of great dinner is a plate of pasta with minced meat and tomato sauce. Chicken fillet with rice and stir-fry vegetables is also a great choice during six pack abs diet. Of course, there are many other meals you can eat during the diet, as long as you remember to avoid pork and choose whole-wheat varieties over white pasta.

By following this food regime and add plenty of ab workouts, you will be on the right path for beautiful six pack abs.

For a complete program that can help you to get six pack abs naturally and to build lean muscle safely at the same time you may also want to check our reviews on ct-50 or carb-back loading.

You can also check the video at the bottom for more tips about proper six pack abs diet.

All the best!

Madiosn and Riley